In the world of alternative medicine the case of Greg Mester, who fought chronic lyme disease for 15 years is truly an inspiration. Biomagnetism Therapy by Dr. Luis Garcia truly helped Greg overcome the challenges posed by this disease. Thanks to this healing modality Greg can now live a happy and healthy life.
The Long Battle with Lyme Disease
Greg Mester’s fight against Lyme disease started long before he could get an official diagnosis. For about 15 years, he had been suffering from numerous symptoms that negatively affected his life quality to a great extent. Only about five years ago did Greg finally get confirmation of being diagnosed with long-term Lyme disease.
The illness had such a profound effect on Greg’s life. He was so sick at just 35 years old that he wrote his first will out of desperation. His condition made him doubt whether or not he would survive on his journey for treatment from Hawaii to New Jersey.
The Debilitating Symptoms
What Greg went through, as far as Lyme disease is concerned, was nothing short of scary. Every part of his body aches,”. The condition did not only affect his physical health, but also he lost his mental ability to reason properly. When Greg talked about how much his brain function was hampered by this disease, it further highlighted the neurological effects of chronic Lyme disease.
In addition, the malady hampered the sufferer’s capacity to engage in employment and daily activities. He would put in two hours at work and then spend the other time “totally flat” due to the extreme fatigue and weakness caused by his condition. Furthermore, the pneumonia-like symptoms experienced by Greg further complicated his state of health.
Dr. Luis Garcia’s Biomagnetism Therapy: the Turning Point
Greg’s life changed after he chose to be treated by Dr. Luis Garcia in New Jersey. In spite of his fear of traveling, Greg took a two-week vacation for treatment and underwent five or six Biomagnetism Therapy sessions.
The impact of the treatment was almost immediate. What Greg refers to as a “huge healing crisis” happened just after the second session. Though initially, it was hard for him. This marked Greg’s first step towards recovery out of the abyss. Amazingly, Greg started feeling much better after the initial round of five or six sessions.
The Path Back to Health
After undergoing his primary healing, Greg followed Dr. Luis Garcia’s prescription religiously which involved doing what he termed ‘homework’ every day or every second day exactly as directed. The results were encouraging. Greg started experiencing increased energy levels and his fatigue was reduced . His symptoms began to disappear one by one.
Six months following his first visit, witnessing such progress inspired him to have another series of sessions with Dr. Luis Garcia.
Dr. Luis Garcia: A Healer and Teacher through and through
Greg describes Dr. Luis Garcia not only as an excellent practitioner but also as a teacher and mentor. To him, Dr. Luis Garcia is a humble, funny, and completely patient-centered clinician. Greg was inspired by how Dr. Luis Garcia always wanted to part with this knowledge with others. He would always tell patients that they should take what they have learned from therapy “further.”
It not only healed Greg but inspired him to learn more about Biomagnetism Therapy.
The Transformative Power of Biomagnetism
Greg’s profound experience with Biomagnetism Therapy not only regained his health, but it also changed the direction of his career. This is significant because Greg had made a life-changing decision to shift from being a technology project manager to working full time as a Biomagnetic Pair therapist.
This change in profession shows the impact Biomagnetism had on Greg and his faith in its ability to help others. He now advocates for the use of Biomagnetism as a treatment, especially for patients suffering from Lyme disease or other complex and hard-to-diagnose ailments.
A Message of Hope
Greg Mester’s story can be seen as a light at the end of the tunnel for those who have been battling long-term diseases like Lyme disease. His transition from preparing his own will at thirty-five to becoming an expert in the same therapy that healed him is truly heartening.
In his words, “If you have Lyme disease or some strange, weird illness that no doctor can find out what it is, I highly recommend biomagnetism.”
The Unique Approach of Biomagnetism
According to Greg, BioMagnetic therapy is unique in understanding the body. The process helps the practitioner understand the body for further sessions. This method allows one to get more into details about imbalances within the body and its requirements, thereby unearthing information that may be left out when using other diagnostic methods.
A New Chapter
Greg Mester’s tale of recuperation transcends and stands as a kind of testament to the transforming effects of Biomagnetism Therapy. He has moved from the abysses of chronic illness to a new healthy life as Biomagentism Therapist himself.
This can help others who are still looking for answers about their health issues. As Greg continues his work as a Biomagnetic Pair therapist, he carries not only the knowledge imparted by Dr. Luis Garcia but also his own experiences.
The story of Greg Mester gives hope and direction to patients suffering from chronic diseases. This illustrates how vital it is to keep an open mind toward other possible treatments and demonstrates how life-changing the right therapy at the right moment.
Greg’s Testimonial
For 15 long years, I have battled Lyme disease and have been suffering from excruciating pain, fatigue, and cognitive decline. I was constantly struggling, which almost made me give up hope. I even wrote my own will at the age of 35. However, I decided to give life one last chance and opted for Biomagnetism Therapy by Dr. Luis Garcia.
The results were completely unexpected. Only after a few sessions did I experience a significant healing crisis. This marked the beginning of my healing journey. Dr. Luis Garcia inspired me to learn more about this amazing therapy and today I am a proud Biomagnetism Therapist myself.
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